Thursday, October 21, 2010

the meatrix

Finally a video about the harsh realities of the meat industry that doesn't look like it's been monopolized by PETA. Although it's a bit cheesy, it's worth watching.

My bottom line: you don't have to be a vegetarian to "save the world." It definitely helps, but if meat is a must for you, be informed about what you're eating, know where your food comes from, who is producing it, and what your money is supporting. We should all be striving for health and nourishment in our diets. Both for our own bodies and for the earth.

Although -- score for the veggie team: Going veg for one year "cancels out" the amount of carbon that two average Americans generate in a year. If you go vegan, it's almost fourfold. I'm just saying.

Go here for another blogger's reasons for going veg(an) and part two of "The Meatrix."

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